2021 Guide to Government

Emporia/Lyon County Kansas

Updated 2/9/21


  1. S. Congress


Jerry Moran, 521 Dirksen Office Bldg.

Washington, DC 20510; 202-224-6521



Roger Marshall, Suite B33 Russell Office Bldg.

Washington, DC 20510; 202-224-4774



1st District Representative

Tracey Mann, 522 Cannon House Office Bldg.

Washington, DC 20515; 202-225-2715



State of Kansas


Four-year terms expire Jan. 2023

Gov. Laura Kelly

300 SW 10th Ave., Ste. 241S, Topeka 66612

785-296-3232; 877-579-6757

David Toland, Lieut. Governor, 785-368-8500

Scott Schwab, Sec. of State, 785-296-4575

Derek Schmidt, Attorney Gen, 1-888-428-8436

Lynn Rogers, Treasurer, 785-296-3171

Vicki Schmidt, Insurance Comm, 785-296-3071


Kansas Legislature

Senate, 17th District

Four-year term expires Jan. 2025

Jeff Longbine, 235E, State Capitol

Topeka 66612; 785-296-7367; Jeff.Longbine@senate.ks.gov

620-342-2744 (business)


Kansas House District 51 (2-year term)

Ron Highland, 458W, State Capitol

Topeka 66612; 785-296-7310


785-456-9799 (home)



House District 60 (2-year term)

Mark Schreiber (R), 149S, State Capitol

Topeka 66612; 785-296-2721


620-342-6954 (home)


House District 76 (2-year term)

Eric Smith, 512N, State Capitol

Topeka 66612; 785-296-7557


620-490-1458 (home)


City of Emporia

Mark McAnarney, City Manager

343-4251; mmcanarney@emporia-kansas.gov

111 E. Sixth Ave./P.O. Box 928

Emporia 66801; 620-343-4250


Emporia City Commission

111 E. Sixth Ave./P.O. Box 928

Emporia 66801; 620-343-4250

Four-year terms, elected in odd-numbered years

Susan Brinkman, sbrinkman@emporia-kansas.gov

Jon Geitz, jgeitz@emporia-kansas.gov

Danny Giefer, dgiefer@emporia-kansas.gov

Rob Gilligan, rgilligan@emporia-kansas.gov

Becky Smith, bsmith@emporia-kansas.gov



Lyon County Commission

430 Commercial St., Emporia 66801


Four-year terms elected in even-numbered years

Scott Briggs, 1st District (term expires 2022)

620-699-3448; sbriggs@lyoncounty.org


Doug Peck, 2nd District (term expires 2024)

620-481-6718; dpeck@lyoncounty.org


Rollie Martin, 3rd District (term expires 2024)

620-437-2175; rmartin@lyoncounty.org



Elected County Officials

Four-year terms expire in 2024

Jeff Cope, Sheriff, 620-341-3205


Tammy Vopat, County Clerk, 620-341-3245


Sharon Gaede, County Treasurer, 620-341-3255


Wendy Weiss, Register of Deeds, 620-341-3242


Marc Goodman, County Attorney, 620-341-3263



Lyon County District Court

430 Commercial Street, 620-341-3283


Chief Judge Merlin G. Wheeler; 620-341-3296

Judge Lee Fowler; 620-341-3293

Judge Jeffry Larson; 620-341-3292

Judge Douglas Jones; 620-341-3289

Nyla Rogers, Clerk of the District Court

courtclerk@5thjd.org; 620-341-3283

Ruth Wheeler, District Court Administrator

ctadmin@5thjd.org; 620-340-8295


USD 253 – Emporia Public Schools

Mary Herbert Education Center

1700 W. 7th Ave., Emporia 66801

Casey Jones, Secretary to the Superintendent



USD 253 Board of Education

Four-year terms, elected in odd-numbered years

Michael Crouch, 620-757-8416

mike.crouch@usd253.net (term expires Jan. ‘22)

Jeremy Dorsey, 620-343-7520

jeremy.dorsey@usd253.net (term expires Jan.‘24)

Doug Epp, 620-481-9725

doug.epp@usd253.net (term expires Jan.‘22)

Art Gutierrez, 620-342-9403

art.gutierrez@usd253.net (term expires Jan.‘24)

Melissa Ogleby, 620-481-7129

melissa.ogleby@usd253.net (term expires Jan.’22)

Grant Riles, 620-794-3662

grant.riles@usd253.net (term expires Jan.’24)

Leslie Seeley, 620-481-6602

leslie.seeley@usd253.net (term expires Jan.‘24)


See our website: www.lwvemporia.org


Lyon County Schools

USD 251 – North Lyon County

Robert W. Blair, Superintendent

620-481-2085; blairb@usd251.org


Board of Education

Angela Anderson, 620-481-9547 andersona@usd251.org (term ends ’23)

Tim Burton, 785-213-7260

burtonts@yahoo.com (term ends ’21)

David Goldsmith, Jr., 913-526-8253, goldsmithd@usd251.org (term ends ’23)

Gary Heine, 620-344-0446

heineg@usd251.org (term ends ’23)

Matt Horton, 620-344-0173

hortonm@usd251.org (term ends ’23)

Mitchell Maxfield, 785-477-9677 maxfieldm@usd251.org (term ends ’21)

Tammie Reed, 620-344-0986

reedt@usd251.org (term ends ’21)


USD 252 – South Lyon County

Mike Argabright, Superintendent

620-392-5510, margabright@usd252.org


Board of Education

Jon Breshears, jbreshears@usd252.org

(term expires 1/2022)

Emily Darbyshire, edarbyshire@usd252.org             (term expires 1/2024)

Kevin Flott, kflott@usd252.org

(term expires 1/2024)

Steve Redeker, sredeker@usd252.org

(term expires 1/2022)

Rich Sleezer, rsleezer@usd252.org

(term expires 1/2022)

Charles Steffes, csteffes@usd252.org

(term expires 1/2024)

Gene Windle, gwindle@usd252.org

(term expires 1/2024)


The League of Women Voters encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy.


For information about the League of Women Voters of Emporia e-mail: EmporiaLWV@gmail.com